Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Toy Story 3 - Poster

This is a poster, much the same as the one for the Simpsons. It relies upon you as an audience already understanding something about the film. Toy Story 3 is an animation film, created for children, that has a comedy twist.

·      The poster reveals it comic nature through the fact that the slinky dog is tangled around the large plastic 3.
·      The poster uses bright colours in order to establish the genre as comedy/childrens. The bright colours create an image of happiness and therefore tell the audience something about the film.
·      These bright colours also stand out from the plain black background and make it more eye catching for the person looking at the poster.
·      The smile on the dogs face also helps to establish the genre somewhat, as it also creates an image of happiness and laughter, whereas the characters image featured on a war film poster would be sad or vengeful.
·      The codes and conventions of film magazine posters are not always followed on this poster, it does have a black background which is commonly found, but it doesn’t have a title or actors/characters names anywhere on it.
·      The only other thing that it features is the date in the bottom left corner.

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