Monday, 6 September 2010

The Very Beginning - Day 1

The first thing to do is to research into current real life movie trailers and also magazine covers and posters, not only to establish the codes and conventions, but also to understand how different shots, angles and colours develop different meanings with the production as this is something that will be vital when it comes to my project.

I'm now starting to generate a few ideas for my production, i've chosen to make the teaser trailer with a poster and a magazine front cover. So far the main idea is a true story style film surrounding a sport, but as you can tell this is just simply an initial idea and as a result will probably change numerous times over the length of time we have to research and plan.

That's it for day 1 but i'll keep you updated with any new ideas or plans i come up with, but for the mean time i will concentrate on learning about current posters, magazine covers, and of course teaser trailers. My generation of ideas is likely to come during the planning stage.

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